Carrier Optimax Pro 4 Hp Cold/Hot

Optimax Pro Heat Pump High Wall Split is the optimum air conditioning solution for places which require high wall installation, elegant appearance and ultimate comfort combined with efficient, quiet operation, optimum air distribution, and efficient Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).


70,400 EGP

Features & Compatibility

Key Feature

Ionizer Technology

► Ionizer generates large quantity of negative ions for refreshing air, killing germs, removing smoke and dust particles. Ionizer gives an immediate sensation of energy and well-being.

Carbon – electrostatic

► Efficient carbon – electrostatic air filter for odors and microscopic dust removal.

Efficient Anti-dust Filters

► Efficient anti dust washable air filters for clean and healthy air.

R410A Refrigerant

► Works with the new R-410A refrigerant which increases its energy efficiency and does not degrade the ozone layer.

Additional information