Carrier CassetteDÉCOR Inverter 6.5 Hp Cold/Hot

DÉCOR Inverter four-way cassette split systems are the optimum air conditioning solution for commercial applications for large places which require ceiling installation above false ceiling, slim design, elegant appearance, and ultimate comfort combined with efficient, quiet operation, optimum air distribution and increased air throw distance.


141,300 EGP

Features & Compatibility

Key Feature

DC Inverter Technology

► Maximum comfort with minimum energy expenditure. Very high energy efficiency thanks to inverter technology. Speed of system startup, provides comfort, two times faster than a traditional system. When the temperature approaches the set level, gradually decreases the rotational speed of the compressor and gives you a consistent and sustainable well-being.

R410A Refrigerant

► Works with the new R-410A refrigerant which increases its energy efficiency and does not degrade the ozone layer.

Standard Carrier Wi-Fi Connectivity

► Standard Wi-Fi Connectivity Carrier has introduced an Android app or IOS App, which can be used to control the operation of your air conditioner remotely via an app called “Carrier Air”. through your smart mobile phone.

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